Title: Potent Presentations
Event: Jaguar Land Rover, Professional Development Training
Date: August 26th, 2016
Speaker: Christopher Dennis
Interested in taking your technical presentation skills to the next level? Need to share information and recommendations in ways that persuade decision-makers? Want your ideas to leap off your lips and screen, grab your audience, and build consensus?
Great ideas don’t automatically translate into great presentations. Sharing technical information clearly and effectively can be challenging, especially with management and audiences who don’t share our technical expertise. This practice-driven seminar helps engineers prepare, structure and deliver presentations that get the message across and move business forward.
Using your existing presentation or anticipated briefing as a springboard, we will learn a simple process for assessing audience needs and for planning a series of points and visuals for maximum impact. With goals for the presentation and each visual clearly defined, we’ll build in crucial comparisons to get key points across, an essential technique for persuasive engineering presentations.
The seminar emphasizes organizational and visual impact—guided by the seminal work of Edward R. Tufte—and combines it with key aspects of cognitive science—made accessible by Stephen M. Kosslyn—to help engineers take their presentations to the next level.