A guitar fretboard held by a woman's hands in an outdoor setting.

City of Portland: Advanced Process Mapping, March 2016

Title: Advanced Process Mapping

Event: City of Portland, Professional Development Training

Date: March 3, 2016, 8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

Speaker: Christopher Dennis

Certain the work can be done in better way? Software consultants asking you what you want? Need to reduce variability and mistakes?

Envision and document a desirable future by creating the future-state process map of a process you care about. Using each participant’s already-documented process as a primary focus, we will learn methods for identifying possible process improvements. Next we’ll learn how to map the improvements, creating options of our stakeholders to consider. Improvement projects always have deadlines and limited budgets, so we’ll get smart about prioritizing improvements to get the most benefit with the available resources. Getting others engaged in a vision of the future is key to project success, so we’ll practice using future-state maps as communication tools.