A guitar fretboard held by a woman's hands in an outdoor setting.

Central City Concern, Project Management for Non-Profits, March

Title: Project Management for Non-Profits

Event: Central City Concern, Professional Development Training

Date: March, 28th, 2016, 8:30 A.M, - 4:30 P.M. 

Speaker: Christopher Dennis


Want the work and people to turn out better when you’re in charge? Delivering a new service or program? Kicking off a new fundraising campaign? Need methods to get the work done more effectively?

This seminar helps non-profit professionals kick off a new project while learning valuable project management skills. Using the participant’s new project as a primary focus, we will learn and apply a simple process for scoping and leading a project. Next we’ll address the fundamentals of project planning. With the fundamentals of a plan in hand, we will turn our attention to progress tracking and the daily management of stakeholders, budgets, and outcomes. Projects always end and we’ll practice methods of concluding an effort that builds bridges for the next project. As project managers we will learn a proactive approach, trying to prevent trouble rather than reacting to it.