A guitar fretboard held by a woman's hands in an outdoor setting.

Portland State University, Getting Requirements Right, March 2016

Title: Getting Requirements Right

Event: Portland State University, Center for Executive and Professional Education

Date: March 15, 2016 & March 22, 2016 , 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Speaker: Christopher Dennis

Want to uncover what will really satisfy stakeholders? Need techniques to gather requirements in a variety of scenarios? Planning something big and need to bring your organization's game to the next level?

We will share and practice methods for getting many different types of stakeholders to freely share their needs and concerns. Gathering requirements is important, and we'll learn to manage them so when change occurs the important issues are not blurred or lost. Participants learn how to trace requirements, as well as manage stakeholder requests for change and link requirements to business goals and objectives.

Everyone in this course learns how to identify which sets of requirements are relevant to which stakeholder groups and how to present those requirements in an appropriate format for that audience. We communicate the requirements back to the stakeholders in a way that clarifies understanding and agreement.

For additional information, see: https://www.pdx.edu/cepe/getting-the-requirements-right.