Title: Practical Project Management
Event: City of Tualatin, Professional Development Training
Date: June 20 and 28, 2011, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Speaker: Christopher Dennis
Want the project and people to turn out better when you’re in charge? Need methods to get the work done more effectively?
Kick off a new project while learning valuable project management skills. Using the individual’s new project as a primary focus, we learn and apply a simple process for scoping and leading a project. Next we address the fundamentals of project planning and turn our attention to the daily management of stakeholders and outcomes. As project managers we learn a proactive approach, trying to prevent trouble rather than reacting to it.
These seminars were customized based on a needs and skill assessment performed with City Managers and Department Leaders. Primary skill areas targeted were:
- Anticipating & troubleshooting surprises
- Managing stakeholders
- Identifying goals & deliverables
- Assisting adoption/making change
- Directing resources and activities
Just under one-third of the employees of the City of Tualatin attended.