A guitar fretboard held by a woman's hands in an outdoor setting.

Portland State University: November 2015

Title: Assessing and Validating Solutions

Event: Portland State University, Center for Executive and Professional Education

Date: November 16, 2015 & November 23, 2015 , 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Speaker: Christopher Dennis

Want to figure out if your project had a significant impact? Trying to develop some key process indicators? Want more certainty in identifying opportunities for enhancements and improvements?

We will share and practice methods for measuring the performance of business solutions. Analyzing performance measures is important, and we learn how to collaborate with stakeholders to achieve shared understanding about how things are really going. Participants learn to use these measures in combination with other tools to identify limitations in the solution and in the enterprise itself.

Everyone in this course learns how to turn solution insights into recommendations about increasing the overall value of the solution in its context: here, now, with these people, in this situation. We communicate to stakeholders in a way that clarifies options, the impacts of the options, and supports selection of the best way forward.

For additional information, see: https://www.pdx.edu/cepe/assessing-and-validating-soutions