A guitar fretboard held by a woman's hands in an outdoor setting.

ACMP: Fast and First-Rate: Borrowing Change Management Tools from First Responders, April 2022

Title: Fast and First-Rate: Borrowing Change Management Tools from First Responders

Event: Association of Change Management Professionals

Date: April 8 2022, 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

Virtual Presenter: Christopher Dennis


The COVID-19 pandemic bared real change management needs: our workplaces must support faster change, future states that aren’t stable, and approaches that aid our colleagues with less time spent planning and executing.

Who has decades and decades of experience addressing similar conditions? Paramedics, ER clinicians, fire fighters, law enforcement, and other first responders.

Come ready to explore a change that’s already under way in your workplace. Implementing hybrid work, perhaps? We’ll introduce and practice methods for maintaining situational awareness, sharing with purpose, and focusing on what’s most important right now.